Sometimes in the studio I find myself feeling a sort of euphoria. I said to a friend, searching for words to describe the experience—it's like I’m almost drunk on the joy of the process (ug, that sounds ridiculous). But inTOXICated is NOT the right word choice (it doesn’t feel toxic). Then I found myself playing with the expression, “Under the influence…” I LOVE that.
Here is my recent work (paintings & prayer poems) while under the influence of joy and gratitude.
“The Influence of Gratitude” 48” x 30” (c) Bronwen Mayer Henry
Along with the painting, this prayer poem tumbled out.
With fear and worry
--the big ones
--the inevitable ones
I go to the creek.
With the unavoidable losses of life before me.
Unrepeatable joy behind me.
--I surrender.
I step into the singular present.
I am under the influence of gratitude
This transforms me.
Not knowing the future and yet touching wisdom of constant change,
I fall heart first into a surrender to peace
Unlike any I have known before.
On the shores of losing Everything I know and love
--How can I be content?
---How can I not be?
“Rebuild Hope Daily” © Bronwen Mayer Henry 60” x 48” Original Acrylic on Canvas
Sitting by the creek may be the most simple, radical act of kindness I practice.
I join the many who experience the healing impact of immersion in nature.
In this sanctuary I meet my fears and overwhelm with tenderness.
I rebuild my hope daily.