Introducing my new book—Radioactive Painting!
Introducing, Radioactive Painting!
My heart is officially on my sleeve with this new offering, Radioactive Painting, released into the big wide world. (Cue confetti and knees shaking).
My new book is available to order on Amazon and through Shanti Arts or you can order a signed copy directly from me. (Please keep scrolling and you'll see some ways you can help celebrate.)
I didn’t realize how tricky this last phase of creating a book would be. Writing this book was such a heart offering, editing phase took all the focus and persistence I could muster, the querying phase took the meaning of resilience to a new level, and then the delight of finding a publisher and now here it is and I'm filled with gratitude, awe, and if I’m being honest substantial dose of nervous energy.
I'm proud of Radioactive Painting. It is part memoir, but it is also an exploration of hope, possibility and joy. As some of you may know, I had Thyroid Cancer and the treatment was part of my wake up call to more love, joy and creativity in my life. To my amazement, this book is arriving exactly seven years from the time that I was diagnosed. How can that be? It is a full circle moment (stay tuned because I have a new collection coming out that will celebrate this full circle-ness-wink wink).
I am so grateful to so many people witnessing, encouraging, and helping me to make this offering. I was beyond ecstatic when Dan Gottlieb offered a foreword for the book. Here is an excerpt,
"This book is about Bronwen Mayer Henry, a deeply spiritual woman who opens her heart to her readers as an act of love and as prayer. Bronwen’s prayers are of selfless gratitude and a fervent wish for the welfare of her readers and beyond. As a matter fact, this whole book is a prayer as is her poetry and her soulful art. This is a love story. Bronwen’s love for life, her love for God, her love for art and poetry, and her love and compassion for herself. And by the way, this book is an act of love for you, the reader."
—Dr. Dan Gottlieb, psychologist, author, and former long-time host of Voices in the Family, a radio show on Philadelphia’s NPR affiliate WHYY
Now available at:
or add a Signed Copy Direct from the Artist
I would LOVE your support and help for this book's release.
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Buy a copy or two for your family and friends as gifts.
Ask your local bookstore to stock it.
Ask your local library to stock it. I adore the library and regularly make requests of books I hope they’ll add to inventory and to my surprise and delight—they do!