After letting go of a project I adored, I wrote this blessing seeking my own comfort and I offer it here that it might be a comfort to anyone in a similar space.
May the choices we leave behind be compost for new growth.
May our doubts be held tenderly.
May the intuition and leading that encouraged us to leave carry us forward.
May we be gentle with the mourning and all that aches.
May we trust that just because we grieve doesn't mean it is the wrong decision.
May we remember with humility that we are people navigating the human experience who don't know everything.
May we release control of any plan.
May we trust that our life is being led and that the purpose of our design will be revealed.
May we continue to show up wholeheartedly to life unafraid to put ourselves out there.
May we be willing to stretch and grow in uncomfortable and unfamiliar spaces.
May we be kind with how letting go hurts.
May we be understanding when letting go awakens fear.
May we trust in the generations of spiritual teaching and wisdom that encourage us to let go anyway.
May we trust that love and wisdom will lead us forward.
May our lives become more fully integrated and authentic expressions.
May we keep going, opening to new paths unimagined.
(c) Bronwen Mayer Henry