These wings are an incredible reminder and teacher about life, presence, heartache and learning to be present in it all.
So often we respond to increased awareness in life by numbing to try to decrease awareness. We may become aware of someone else’s struggle or it can be a personal realization, "I'm in a dead end job." "I'm not going to live forever." "This relationship isn't going to make it."
Whatever it is, as you increase awareness, you have two choices. 1) Numb and attempt to decrease awareness or 2) Increase LOVE.❤️
When we come into more awareness our compulsions will alert us. They will say, "Oh my! Quick! Do something. This is uncomfortable." If we are having a compulsion (to drink/drugs/sex/overwork/socialmedia/food/exercise etc.) that means our awareness has increased in some way.
If in this moment of compulsion we pause, we may notice a new awareness. Then we can go back to the two choices. 1) We can numb. Sometimes it is a life-saving option, but it isn't a sustainable option. or 2) We can ramp up the LOVE. With this new awareness how can we turn up the love?
These are the two wings of freedom, awareness AND love/kindness. To take flight and find freedom you need both.Have you ever seen a bird or butterfly with a damaged wing. Oh, it is so painful to watch. This painting is inspired by butterflies my kids and I watched transform from caterpillars and not all of them made it. To have one working wing literally looks like suffering. This is the same way it feels for us. If we have awareness and not love/kindness it can increase suffering.
This painting is a reminder to see clearly and hold with compassion all that unfolds in our lives. 🙏
"Wings of Freedom" 40" x 30" (2) (c) Bronwen Mayer Henry (Acrylic on Canvas) AVAILABLE
"The two parts of genuine acceptance —seeing clearly and holding our experience with compassion—are as interdependent as the two wings of a great bird. Together, they enable us to fly and be free. " Tara Brach
"[Our Compulsions] are calls to awaken and will, if we learn how to listen, guide us into our true selves, and they will keep calling, sometimes in varied guises, until we wake up." Mary O'Malley