My heart is full. I am bursting with gratitude from the joy of Tuesday night's Opening at Pendle Hill. 💛💛💛
I'm so grateful to Jesse White for her leadership and support with this exhibit. I'm grateful to my family and friends who showed up. I'm grateful to Joy Cole taking photos. And, I'm grateful to you, my online community.
It was a total surprise and joy to meet you. To hear your stories, to hear your heartache, your hear your own challenges with health, and your longing to step into more creativity.
I love getting to spend time at the canvas AND sharing it with others online and at events like this week is an outrageous amount of joy. Then to hear how sharing my writing and painting has helped you on your own path. I cannot imagine any more fulfilling experience. I'm completely humbled. Thank you, thank you.🙏
Stay tuned, I've written some prayers, inspired by our conversations at the opening, that I will be sharing soon
My tree collection will be on display at Pendle Hill through July 17th.
Photos by Joy Brown Cole