Art is healing.
Art can transform the energy of the space and the energy in your heart.
I recently had an urgent request for a piece. After a few years of stability, my friend had a series of three seizures in close succession. Two of which her 11 year old daughter found her. Their family was shaken. They felt afraid in their own home, alert and wondering when it might happen next. She asked me to create one of my mother/baby elephants for them as a reminder of safety, shelter, refuge.
I put aside my current projects and created this piece. Before beginning I wrote a prayer with chalk on the canvas. Then I started painting. And I got the most gentle message. I share it with you here.
Let go of all expectation and hope.
Dwell completely in this moment.
Know that what is happening is an expansion of love.
There is nothing required of you but to show up, breathe, rest, and extend love however you can.
The rest will take care of itself. That's all.
Certainty does not lie ahead for any of us. And yet meditating on the deepest refuge available. The place within us that can't be harmed. The connections between us that can't be broken. Meditating on this will change you and your ability to face your life.
"Held" 48" x 36" (c) Bronwen Mayer Henry (Acrylic on Canvas)
#held #bronwenmayerhenry #elephantsheal#healing #artheals #letgo #meditation#visualprayer #truerefuge